If losing weight is not an easy task, there are many mistakes that hinder this process and cause a bad mood due to the frustration of our unsuccessful efforts. Indeed, there is nothing more disappointing than limiting yourself day after day without observing encouraging results. To adopt a better lifestyle leading to the loss of unwanted pounds, the specialist in sleep and weight loss Dr. Peter Le Port update on 6 errors that we would do just before bedtime and that would make us gain weight.
Beyond dietary gaps and sedentary lifestyle, some steps are needed to eliminate the extra pounds, starting with banning the bad habits we repeat daily without even realizing it. If you notice that despite a healthy lifestyle your pounds are still obstinate, the answer to this puzzle could well be related to your evening routine. Let’s review these mistakes that you may make:
Do not count the calories of the evening “Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon, and like a poor man at night,” the saying goes. Indeed, it is essential to curb your cravings of delicacies in the evening at the risk of gaining weight without realizing it. According to sleep and weight loss specialist Peter LePort, there is no question of avoiding dinner but rather of reducing it. So, it is better to avoid big ice cream for dessert if you want to limit your caloric intake.
Snack in front of the television According to a study published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, paying attention to what one eats and the amounts ingested would be a considerable factor favoring weight loss. This would in particular make it possible to give up the calculation of sometimes oppressive calories based solely on the quantity of food on our plate. Unfortunately, this good habit is hard to adopt when you eat slouched on an armchair staring at the screen of our television. Peter LePort confirms that eating while distracted is a mistake to no longer commit.
Drink alcohol before sleeping If the harmful action of alcohol is not enough to put you in the ear, know that any drink containing it is full of calories and that the glass of wine you like so much before bedtime is very likely to disturb your sleep cycle. As Dr. Port explains, drinking alcohol before sleep may wake you up in the middle of the night and, according to one study, lack of sleep would be a major trigger of your hunger hormones, pushing you to eat more and more. unhealthy.
Use your phone in bed Because of the blue light emitted by the screens of your tablets, telephones and television screens, it is very difficult to find a restful rest and even less to reach a deep sleep necessary for a good health. As a result, you wake up tired the next day, drained of all energy. To avoid this harmful behavior to your body, Dr. Le Port recommends abandoning any technological gadget at least one hour before bedtime.
Do not go to bed at a suitable time According to a new medical survey, every adult needs an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep for optimal rest.
Sleep deprivation lower than the recommended duration, may increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. A second study conducted for 16 years confirms these results. Of the nearly 60,000 women observed, those who slept less than 5 hours per night were 30% more likely to gain weight over the course of the study.
Program your alarm too late Although early morning awakenings are not always easy, delaying your alarm until the last second is a bad habit because it makes you miss the most important meal of the day: breakfast! According to a study published by the scientific journal Obesity, a morning meal rich in protein would reduce cravings throughout the day, reducing the risk of weight gain. If you’re struggling to get organized, try changing the time you go to bed to get up sooner!
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