It is unfortunate enough that you have to deal with awful acne. But, after the pimples are gone, you are left to deal with angry red spots and some deep scars!
Acne scars stay on your face for a few months to a year and can ruin your self-esteem.
Going for treatment means paying for the procedures, medicines, etc. which can burn a big hole in your pocket. However, there are some natural ingredients that you can use to help fade those scars.
And, you won’t have to pay a fortune for them!
In this blog post, I will teach you how to get rid of acne scars for good using a few natural ingredients.
So, let’s begin!
Home Remedies For Acne Scars that Help You Get Rid of Acne Scars
In this section of the blog post, I will go through different natural home remedies that will help you get rid of the ugly acne scars once and for all.
Keep reading to know more…
1. Tea Tree Oil
We all know that tea tree oil is great for acne.
But, only a few people know that tea tree oil is also a useful home remedy to treat acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Here is the link to research that supports the argument.
Tea tree oil has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammation properties which help in reducing the redness of your acne scars and disinfects them.
All you have to do is:
- Apply two to three the tea tree oil to your face twice a day
- You can either apply it directly or, mix it with your moisturizer
Keep in mind that this will take some time to work! You should start seeing results after two weeks of use.
Tea tree oil can be used in combination with a number of oils to reduce acne scars. You can also use it to make your own antibacterial coconut oil cleanser and use it on a daily basis for a scar-free skin.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has strong healing properties.
In fact, if you cut a leaf, just within a few hours, you’ll see that a protective layer has formed on it to ‘heal’ it.
These strong healing properties are useful when you want to treat your acne scars. In fact, they have been known to increase the healing of regular scabs as well as acne scars.
To use aloe vera, all you have to do is:
- Cut open the leaf to extract the gel and apply it directly to your face
- Let it sit for at least an hour
- You may also use it as a moisturizer and not wash it off
I feel that you should use a fresh aloe vera leaf instead of pre-packaged gel. These gels have preservatives and additives that may irritate your skin.
Aloe vera gel works on all types of scars. It will also help you get relief from burns, scabs, and other injuries.
You must invest in an aloe vera plant.
3. Tomato
Tomato isn’t just a tasty fruit you have in your salad!
It can help reduce your acne scars and hyperpigmentation is used correctly. In fact, tomato juice can work well in reducing depressed acne scars! Not just that, they also help reduce signs of aging.
Now, that’s what I call a super fruit.
You can apply tomato to your skin by:
- Peel the tomato and crush it with a fork in a container
- Apply the crushed material (including seeds) to your face
- You can also juice a tomato and apply it on your face
- Adding some cucumber will also help
- Keep this mixture on your face for 20-40 minutes and wash off
Honestly, I prefer crushed tomato over the juice because it worked for me. But, if you feel icky about the seeds, you can give the juice a try.
But, don’t buy the packaged juice as most have a small percentage of actual tomato!
You can mix cucumber and tomato juice and freeze them in an ice tray. Use it whenever needed on your acne scars without having to repeat the preparation process every time.
4. Cucumber
nt that you can find in anti-acne creams.
But, what most people don’t realize is that cucumber works like a miracle on acne scars as well. In fact, you will find cucumber extracts on acne scar treatment creams as well!
Here’s how you can use cucumber:
- Juice a cucumber and apply it on your face with a cotton ball or a cotton pad
- Slice and apply it directly to your face
- You can even freeze some cucumber juice in ice trays and use a cube whenever necessary
- Adding tomato juice will prove to be effective as well
Just like with all home remedies, you have to be patient with cucumber juice as well. It will take 3-4 weeks for you to see an effect.
This time reduces if you use a combination of cucumber and tomato juice.
You can apply cucumber juice overnight for the soft and supple skin. You’ll get the best results for acne scars as well.
On to the next one…
5. Egg Whites
Yes, raw egg whites do help in reducing acne scars.
It is icky to apply raw egg white on your skin, but it is worth it. Egg whites don’t just work with acne scars; they also have anti-aging properties. Since egg white contains a large amount of protein, they tighten pores.
These are used in traditional medicine by people of the Eastern countries.
Directions to apply:
- Apply raw egg whites on your face using a cotton ball
- Let it sit on your face overnight
- You may also use it or an hour or two
- Wash off with lukewarm water
With this home remedy, you’ll see results in a matter of a week or two! Yes, it works that fast!
The egg whites you get in tetra packs aren’t a good idea as they contain a lot of preservatives. Use whole egg instead, and you’ll see better results.
6. Raw Honey
Honey isn’t just a healthy alternative to sugar.
In fact, it has been used for centuries to cure skin ailments such as acne, dry skin, and even suntan. Its use can be traced by to ancient Egypt!
And, it works like wonder for acne scars as well.
Honey prevents and reduces scarring, has antibacterial properties, and moisturizes the skin.
So, don’t just use it for your acne scars.
Following is how you can use honey:
- Take a tablespoon of honey and apply it on your face using a cotton ball
- Leave it on for 20 minutes
- Wash off with lukewarm water
Adding some lemon to honey will also accelerate the process.
You will start seeing results in 3-6 weeks but, you’ll find your skin to be soft and supple!
Keep in mind to use raw organic honey for best results.
7. Potato Slices
Potato isn’t just used to make French fries.
My point is that the incredible potato can also help reduce your acne and acne scars! Potato is rich in Vitamins and minerals and helps treat hyperpigmentation, skin again, and various other skin problems.
And, yes, it is effective. I’m not kidding.
Following is how you can use potato for your acne scars:
- Slice the potato
- Apply the slice directly to your face
- Leave overnight or for a minimum of 40 minutes
- Wash off with lukewarm water
Potato can also help you get rid of dark armpits, elbows, and knees. You can give that a try as well!
It takes 4-6 weeks for you to see improvements.
Potato juice mixed with cucumber and tomato juice is known to be an effective remedy as well. You’ll see faster results if you use a combination of treatments instead of just one.
Moving on…
8. Turmeric Powder
Turmeric is an incredible spice.
It helps reduce skin discolorations, decrease acne as well as acne scars. In fact, it is also known to help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease as well!
As you can see, turmeric is a powerful spice.
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce acne as well as acne scars.
Following are the directions to apply turmeric:
- Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder and add it to two tablespoons of water to make a thick paste
- Apply the paste on your face with the help of a makeup brush or a cotton ball
- Let it sit for a minimum of 30-40 minutes.
- Wash off with lukewarm water
Organic turmeric paste will have no side effects and will be more potent than the regular kind that you’ll find on the market.
You’ll start seeing results within three weeks of regular use.
You can also make a face park of turmeric with some sandalwood and foster’s earth will help you see faster results. However, this face pack dries out the skin.
Also, using a makeup brush is better than using cotton balls for better application.
Moving on…
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