The most simple way to lose weight that is beyond imagination. Because drink will increase your metabolism very quickly and your body will burn calories in a magic way.
- 1 banana
- And 1 tsp. ground flax seed
- 50 gr grated ginger
- ½ cup pineapple slices (100 gr)
- 1/3 cup almond milk
The potassium is necessary to the body for building strong muscles and it is also rather beneficial for getting rid of the toxins from your body.If you combine bananas with other nutritive substances, they become even more efficient and useful.Try consuming this drink and boost your metabolism and burn the excess fat. After the consumption of it, you will notice your fat part ways with your belly.
-One banana
-Half a glass of low-fat yogurt (or fat-free one), make sure you use the Greek yogurt
-a quarter tablespoon of ginger powder
-two tablespoons of Whey powder
-one tablespoon of coconut oil
-two tablespoons of flax seed
Mix all ingredients together and blend them using a blender. When you’re done with that, pour the drink in a glass, drink it and take pleasure in this fantastic drink.
It is recommended that you drink this mixture in the morning. It will supply your body with numerous nutrients and energy and it will improve your day and your daily mood.
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