If you’re looking for a way to lose weight, especially if you need to lose 50 or more pounds, you’ve come to the right place.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my 11 years as a Holistic Nutritionist working with thousands of clients, it’s that there is A LOT of emotional and mental pain associated with weight gain, especially when you’re weight has gotten this bad.
It might even make you angry or sad thinking about it now, but I want to assure you of one thing before I get into the process:
You can either let your past decisions define and/or confine you, or you can choose to move on.
Yes, your past decisions (or lack of action) have affected, maybe negatively, maybe REALLY negatively, your current situation.
However, your past can’t be undone, BUT your past results (where you are now) CAN (where you want to be).
You can choose to move on, leave it behind you and start focusing on your present!
It’s going to take time, but it’s far from impossible. In fact, I know you can do it.
As with pretty much every thing that’s worth it, the transformation won’t happen overnight. It may take a year or more to lose the weight.
The good news? If you follow this article, you’ll lose weight fast and if you stay consistent, you’ll keep losing weight, and then a year will come and go and you would have lost a significant amount of weight.
And you’ll keep it off!
6 Mindset and Motivation Hacks To Help You Lose 50 Pounds or More
1.) Losing A Significant Amount Of Weight Is A Full-Time Commitment
You can’t be all about your weight loss goals Monday to Friday and take the weekends off. You also have to realize that losing large amounts of weight takes time and patience. Real life is not the Biggest Loser: Healthy weight loss ranges from 0.5lbs-3lbs per week. More than that is not sustainable and often results in relapse later on (just look up the stats on how many Biggest Loser contestants gain the weight back within a year of the show!). Dedication and consistency are the name of the game!
2.) Focus on Progress Not Perfection
As you probably know by now, major weight loss takes time, so there will never be a chunk of time long enough where you won’t have to make some hard sacrifices. Holidays, birthdays, vacations, dinners or nights out with friends – all of these things will come up while you are making your lifestyle changes. You will have to make sacrifices, and it will be hard. Remember your goals, communicate those goals with your friends and family. You can do it!
3.) Be OK With Making Mistakes
I just want to remind you that “mistakes are proof you are trying.” Most of the questions I receive throughout the week have a common themes:
• eating something you shouldn’t have
• missing workouts
• not eating enough
• eating too many “bad” carbs
In other words, the majority of questions or problems you have when it comes to transforming your body are about the mistakes you made. Mistakes are part of the imperfect journey of weight loss, fitness, and flexible eating.
Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. Don’t regret your choice to skip a workout. Accept them and CHOOSE to make a different (better?) choice next time.
It’s pretty simple when you realize YOU get to choose your action and you get to choose how to respond to that choice/action/decision. It’s not an easy job taking responsibility for your mistakes, choosing to learn from them, and then focusing on how you’re going to make a better choice next time.
It’s not easy, BUT it’s worth it, in the end, right?
4.) Eat Right, Exercise, And Transform Because You LOVE Your Body, Not Because You Hate It
If you are exercising and dieting because you hate your body, that’s a negative place to start and will result in a negative outcome. You should be building a healthier lifestyle because you love your body and want to do what’s best for it. Be sure to set goals that aren’t tied to the scale or a clothing size: Real, tangible goals like running a 5k or finally taking those dance lessons you’ve always wanted to are much more motivating and fulfilling than a number on a scale or a waist circumference.
The most important thing when trying to lose large amounts of weight is to start small and make one change at a time. Trying to make several changes all at once is overwhelming and you will most likely fall off the bandwagon early on. Adding a new healthy habit every week or two that you know you will succeed at is motivating and will make future changes easier and more natural
5.) Forget About Calories, Points, and Scales
You must remember that not all calories are created equal. Five-hundred McD’s calories does not equal five-hundred whole food calories. Your body NEEDS–most of your bodies are CRAVING–real food nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants.
If you don’t supply your body with real food nutrients, it will keep asking for more, and hold on for (literally) dear life to whatever food you consume.
You think if you are eating 1,250 calories of crappy food your body is going to “help” you lose weight? No way, it ain’t gonna happen.
The reality is you need to be eating closer to 2,000 calories of AWESOME food every day, sometimes even MORE on days that require more metabolic function (excess stress, workout days, etc..)
More and more women are going on calorie RESTRICTIVE diets, and guess what is happening to more and more women just like YOU? Ya’ll are GAINING more weight!
You might lose some initially, but then it comes back with a vengeance. I have the solution for you, your weight loss and food troubles, that doesn’t involve calorie counting, obsessing about points, or checking the scale every morning (although you’ll want to because the weight will be flying off).
6.) Follow A Proven Health-Focused System
Alright, I must confess before I give you my formula for losing weight. I’m biased on my program, because they are focused on 3 things: HEALTH, metabolism, and hormones.
To me, if a program focuses on anything other than those 3 main things, you’re doomed.
The most frustrating part of working with over 10,000 people is, I’ve found most people are trying to lose weight to get healthy, when they should be focusing on getting healthy to lose weight.
That’s how I’m going to help you start a ketogenic, metabolism-focused lifestyle.
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