
Breakfast To Keep You Full And Help You Lose Weight

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the
day, especially if you want to lose weight. However, if you eat breakfast, and
in a couple of hours you feel hungry again, think about whether you are using
the right ingredients. If you ask nutritionists, the best choice for breakfast
is oatmeal, and that is also confirmed in a research published in the journal „Annals
of Nutrition & Metabolism“.

This research was conducted on 36 man and women divided into
three groups. The first group ate oatmeal for breakfast, the second ate
cornflakes, and the third one skipped breakfast all together and only drank

During the week, the participants in the research had to
note down their level of satiety on several occasions. In addition, they gave
blood samples to monitor their levels of sugar and insulin on the blood. Then
they all got the same lunch they were supposed to eat until they felt full.

The results
The respondents that ate cornflakes felt hungry in the next
3 hours, as well as the ones that drank only water. They also ate the same
number of calories for lunch as they as ones that didn’t have breakfast. On the
other hand, in the case of those that ate oatmeal, there was an increase of
their satiety during the whole day, and only that group consumed less calories
with their lunch.

This research is only one of the many in the sting that
confirms that oatmeal is great for weight loss, because with it one consumes
30-50% less calories during the day.

Why exactly oatmeal?
If you believe that you can eat oatmeal only for breakfast, then you are wrong. It can be mixed with all kinds of meals as a side dish, or as an addition to green vegetables or salads. It could also be served as a dessert. On the other hand, you will be full for a longer time after you consume oatmeal. The nutritive fibers it consists increase the volume of certain ingredients in your digestive system, and that is why there is a prolonged feeling of satiety. Apart from that, thanks to the same fibers, which stimulate the digestion of the food, your metabolism with be improved and you will start losing weight easily.

The health benefits don’t end here. With oatmeal, you can
lower the cholesterol level, because it attaches to fats and in that way,
protects the health of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, it lowers the
risk of a heart attack or a stroke. There are researches that show that oatmeal
is great in the fight with cancer. It lowers the risk of its appearance,
especially when it comes to breast, prostate or ovary cancer.

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