
11 Habits To Wake Up At 5 Am That Everyone Needs To Know

To many of us, morning time can be the only time we can balance what we want to achieve.

You know … the time you can think and relax and listen from within?!

Sadly, too much time usually gets lost (before the rest of the world wakes up) if we’re still in bed. But here’s the thing… it’s very complicated waking up early because you want to be one of these people (an early riser), as you may already know, but you still struggle to wake up because the fight is real.
It’s really difficult to wake up early if you don’t know some helpful tips that most morning people already follow.

It’s like… Do you wake up early and go after the life that you want with all that extra time that you’ll get back? Or do you sleep in like a little baby and stay in your warm comfy bed?

If you’re like many, struggling to wake up early, follow these 11 clever morning tips to be that improved morning person (that you really want to be) so that you can conquer your life’s goals.

11 Habits To Wake Up At 5 AM Easily
1. You Have To Have Intense Motivation
First and foremost, let’s touch on WHY you want to wake up so darn early?!
You have to ask yourself, what’s the point? Why do I want to be a very early morning person? Is it because right now you’re rushing to school or work and you realize that’s no fun or maybe you have some major fitness goals that you’re trying to achieve or maybe you’re starting your own business and you need the extra hours to get your passion project started?

Because once you have your reasoning and understand its importance and its significance, then all of the other morning tips will be much easier for you to carry out.

Basically, if you don’t have the intense motivation you need, then none of the other tips will work. This motivation is having the will and the commitment to get up out of bed early.

Having a reason to get up really early will really help all the rest of the tips fall into place for you. What’s your reason?
2. Yes, Going To Bed Earlier Really Does Help
It may seem weird at first, but you’re going to get to a wonderful point in your life when you will like going to bed early just as much as you loved sleeping in. Trust the process. It’s just something that magically happens when you start getting into the rhythm of waking up really early.

Think about it this way… If you go to bed early, you’re going to get as many hours as you need to sleep just as if you were going to sleep in. You just need to switch it. So start by slowly scaling the time back when you wake up and the time that you go to bed each night. Even if it’s just a short 5 minutes, you’ll slowly reach your goals.

3. Don’t Think About Anything Upon Wakening
Here’s the trick that those extremely early birds all do each morning just after they open their eyes… They don’t think about sleeping in, they just get up!

That means you literally have to not think about a single thing when you first just wake up! Don’t think about anything prior to getting up in the morning. If you have time to think, you have time to snooze. That’s because your brain will always talk you into staying in bed. ALWAYS!

When that alarm wakes you? You have to instantly turn on the lights, jump out of bed, put your dressing gown on, and walk out to the kitchen without even thinking about it. It sounds really silly because you’re like “dah, like if I could do that… I would do it” but when you actually try to implement it, it works insanely well.
4. Turn Off All Of Your Screens (This Will Really Help!)
Before you go to bed (hopefully at a decent hour), the very last step you need to take (unless it’s reading to help yourself go to sleep), is to turn off all your digital screens.

That means either putting your phone away to stop the late-night scrolling or just putting it in another room altogether. Turn off that TV, and remove your bedroom television out of your room altogether if you have one that’s bothering your nightly routine.

Try lighting a candle and read a really good old fashioned book while you’re laying in bed and know that morning people most usually stay away from technology to get their brain ready for sleep and so should you!
5. Try Releasing Your Daily Triggers Before You Go To Bed
A lot of people stay up tossing and turning in the wee hours of the night all because of something minuscule or something that they have no control over. It’s totally justified too because at the end of the day, LIFE is HARD at times and our minds do the best review mostly right before we retire at night. So if this has you sleeping in the next day? Then this tip will definitely take a load off.

Just after your make-up is off and you’re in your cozy pajamas and you already ate dinner (hopefully hours before), light some candles and start relaxing and winding down by reviewing your day and getting out what’s really bothering you.

Once you are relaxed, this is the best time to start writing. You can either make your to-do list for the next morning, write in a journal (if that’s something that interests you) or again, read something relaxing that’s going to prepare, relax and let your mind unwind.

This will create a really harmonious feeling right before bed (which you will also marinate in) until you wake up at your desired hour the next day.

6. Maintain A Clean Home
Let’s be honest here, you won’t be able to relax with a messy kitchen or house chores all around you, so try to go to bed with a clean kitchen and a clean home if you can.

This also falls into preparing the night before because it is much easier to relax in the morning if you know that you are prepared and you’re making your tea in your nice clean home.

You’ll feel more relaxed for it, less stressed and you’ll feel more motivated getting out of bed.
7. Reward Yourself First Thing
This tip is amazing and it works! What a lot of morning people all have in common is that they have morning rituals that release their endorphins. So if you really want to be that morning person you crave to be, you have to create a reward system that is something unique to you!

We’re all different and we all like different things, so find what makes you smile or brings you a sense of fun and enjoyment and have that be your morning thing.

You can eat something tasty or have a favorite tea/coffee brand first thing when you wake up. Remember that when you wake up you’ll also have a complete lizard brain, so hydrate yourself because you haven’t gotten any nutrition in your body for eight or so hours.

Plus when you reward yourself, and your body, your body will actually remember that and get more and more excited as the reward eventually turns into a habitual habit.

8. Scale Back In Short Increments
Waking up at the same time every day, (especially when you first start to wake up earlier) is super important to maintain. If you don’t then nothing else will work. You have to have a climb and maintain mentality, pretty much by slowly making your way to 5 am each day.

It can take a few short weeks or maybe a month but this means waking up early will eventually get naturally ingrained in you and by also being consistent with it, it will help you get to where you want to be FASTER. Slow and steady wins the race with this tip and time really does go by fast!

Also, know that it’s totally okay to have exceptions on days that you’ve stayed up late. Try to, for the most part, to keep your wake time consistent so you can get to 5 AM much quicker.

9. Get A Decent Alarm Clock
I encourage you to do this right now if you really want to bust your butt in the mornings like an army sergeant. Get a decent alarm clock! Some people may not need an alarm because they wake up with the Sun, but if that’s not you, then you really need this.

So I went ahead and did some digging for you and found this super cool math alarm app and I’ve also tried it myself. It wouldn’t be on here if it wasn’t worth talking about and that’s because it WORKS! Just remember that for the first time you use it you’ll be like… “what the heck is this and how do I answer?” 🙂 But it works. Try it out below!
10. Don’t be so hard on yourself

If you fail at waking up early in the morning a few times, a few weeks, a few months? Don’t beat yourself up about it. There is nothing more unproductive than being negative towards yourself. So just chill out, stop the negative self-talk, and know that you’ll get back to it the next morning. All the early risers have kept at it, so keep trying, you’ll eventually meet your goal if you do it casually and try!

11. Set Yourself Up To Win
Lastly, set yourself up to hit the ground running right. And this means this tip is for ANY hour that you happen to wake up at,

So, for example, this could mean getting your clothes ready the night before and setting them out to eliminate decision fatigue while also feeling groggy in the morning OR having an easy breakfast go-to that you look forward to eating.

Whatever the helpful preparedness task that you figured out will help you the most, doing these simple things will set you up to win and will really help you out tremendously in the mornings.

Prepare anything you can the night before to make the morning feel more peaceful and less rushed even if that means just filling that kettle with water so all you have to do is give it a flick come morning time.

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