It is not at all a crime to evaluate people, and it is very essential to do so in case of someone that you’re willing to marry! A few mannerisms are listed below, and if the person you’re thinking about spending your life with shows quite a number of them, you should not proceed further at any cost.
1. Thinks From a Narrow Perspective
A person who doesn’t think from a broad perspective can really be a terrible person to marry. Your life can be harmed by the negativity that these people propagate.
2. Doesn’t Like Animals
We often come across people who do not like animals, and it is advised to not get involved with them. These people may even ask you to pick between them or your pet! It’s one thing if they are allergic to animals, but if they simply hate animals then you shouldn’t be with such person.
3. Doesn’t Abide by Relationship “Decorum”
This is never a favorable indication. Every relationship stands upon certain mutually accepted norms and it can never be healthy if the person keeps on disregarding them.
4. Fails and Breaks Promises
It is very natural for anyone to not always fulfill their promises, but you should be cautious if he/she continues doing this over and over again. This implies that the person is deceiving you and you will always be ending up disappointed.
5. Considers You Less Significant
Both of the two people in a relationship should prioritize each other to the same amount. Otherwise it becomes very hard to sustain if one of you feel “less loved”. You need to be their priority always!
6. Never Doubts Himself
A person who does not have moments of self-doubt is not a great person to be with. You should never marry someone like this. You shouldn’t be with someone who always thinks that they are correct about everything and doesn’t even care about your views.
7. Gives Too Many Excuses
Too many excuses almost always means that your partner has more important things in life to attend to and you do not matter to him/her to a great extent.
8. Allows Clashes to Continue
There are very few relationships where fights do not occur. It is not unusual to have disagreements, but everyone should try to end arguments healthily instead of letting it drag on unnecessarily.
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