It is Cayenne Pepper.
Did you know that cayenne pepper can prevent heart attacks? Yes, this wonder ingredient has the power to save your life. Hence, remember to keep this ingredient at hand come what may. In case you don't want to carry it around at least keep it in your kitchen cabinet. Hopefully, you won't need to use it, but you never know when you might really need this valuable ingredient.
Dr. Christopher has till date never lost a patient to a heart attack in his 35-year career. Wondering how did he manage this startling record? When asked what is the trick to this success? He simply said, he gives a cup of cayenne pepper tea to all his patients while they are still conscious.
But the question is how much do you really know about How cayenne pepper? What is about this ingredient that makes it what it is? You will be surprised to know this but Cayenne is the most popular kind of chilli pepper in the world.
Did you know cayenne pepper has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units? If you have cayenne pepper lying at home, immediately give it to the person who is having a heart attack.
However, you need to make into a drink.
Simple add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water and give it to the patient who is experiencing symptoms of a heart attack. But the catch is, for this remedy to actually work its magic the patient in question has to be conscious when he is having this drink.
In case, the patient is unconscious, you can still use cayenne pepper extract. But in this case, you will simply put a few drops of it under patient’s tongue for the desired results.
You will be surprised to know this but cayenne pepper is believed to be a powerful stimulant. It naturally aids in increasing the heart rate and helps in carrying blood to the various parts of the body. Once this is done it ends up balancing circulation. Thus helping in curtailing the situation. That's not all, cayenne pepper also stops bleeding instantly. Which makes it much like a wonder drunk helping in heart attack recovery.
This is not all, cayenne pepper is believed to be helpful in the treatment of stomach problems. From toothaches to allergies, cayenne pepper is the solution to all your problems. In fact, scientists have also confirmed the presence of various different nutrients in cayenne pepper. Calcium, zinc, magnesium are some of the minerals found in cayenne pepper.
Thereby, making cayenne pepper is one of the strongest natural spices in the world. This can indeed do miracles for the heart as well. Also if you struggle with heart problems, try and always have this cayenne pepper on hand.
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