
How to Get Rid of Man Boobs?

We all have some part of our body we would like to change.

Women usually want better legs or thinner thighs.

On the other hand, men want to get rid of belly fat and increase their biceps.

But, there is one more “critical area” that brings discomfort in many men’s lives.

That’s man chest fat or man boobs (aka moobs).

So, if you want to learn how to get rid of man boobs, keep reading this article.

Let’s first explain how you end up with man boobs, and then more importantly how to solve this problem.

What causes man boobs?

There are 3 reasons why man boobs may look like female breasts, instead of being flat and shaped.

Reason 1 – High percentage of body fat (adipomastia)

When you eat fat your body stores it.

And how it stores it depends on your genetics.

Some people have good genes and no matter how much fat they eat they are skinny.

However, the rest of us isn’t that lucky.

So, if you have extra body fat on your chest you can thank genetics.

But, if you eat too much fat and your body can’t store all of that properly, some of it ends up on your chest, regardless of genetics.

In that case, we are talking about adipomastia or lipomastia. (1)

That’s why you should decrease the amount of fat you intake.

Reason 2 – Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the medical term for man bobs and it differs from adipomastia or the existence of fat on the chest. (2)

Gynecomastia appears because of a chest and not fat tissue, as a result to imbalanced levels of the hormones testosterone and estrogen.

Hence, it is most common among middle-aged men and teenagers.

It affects 30% of men and there are mild and extreme cases of gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia is activated when the levels of testosterone are reduced compared to the levels of estrogen (boobs grow because of estrogen).

The causes for this reduction can be conditions that block the effects of testosterone, conditions that decrease the level of testosterone or increase the level of estrogen.

Reason 3 – Adipomastia and gynecomastia combined

The combination of adipomastia and gynecomastia can also cause man boobs.

Sometimes men have gynecomastia and increased the percentage of body fat that leads to this condition.

Anyhow, consult your doctor to determine what’s your case, how bad it is, whether is adipomastia or gynecomastia and what next.

So, how to get rid of man boobs?

In my opinion, there are 3 ways:

1. Diet and exercising

The most common cause of “moobs” is overweight and obesity. (3)

The chest mainly consists of lipids (fats), so improving your diet can significantly reduce this area.

You can’t get rid of gynecomastia by improving your diet or exercising, but you can get rid of fat layers.

Therefore, if you have man boobs because of increased body fat, the solution is a simple weight loss.

Your body distributes and loses fats as it’s predetermined by genetics, and that’s why you need to eat healthily and exercise properly in order to lose weight or fat layers.

After a certain period of time, you will lose fat from the place you most want, in this case, your chest.

So, even though man boobs are a medical condition, they can appear as a consequence of weight gain.

How to get rid of moobs at home?

Start working out.

If you don’t like exercising, start swimming.

After that, you can try paddling.

This will have a great effect on the upper part of your body.

You can start weight lifting after you get stronger and build muscles.

Regular exercising will increase the levels of testosterone.


When it comes to food, include ingredients such as spinach, cabbage, kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

The best thing to do is to eat fresh fruit and veggies, fish, lean meat, complex carbs like oat flakes, beans, and lentils.

You can read more about foods that reduce man boobs here.

And, cut down on alcohol.

Food high in zinc like oyster, walnuts and red meat can also help the process of aromatization which turns testosterone into estrogen.

All in all, the best tips to get rid of man boobs naturally are:

  • lose weight since overweight can also be the cause of enlarged breasts
  • limit the intake of salts (eat fewer ingredients high in salt); excessive intake of salt can cause breast swelling
  • cut out unhealthy fats and sugars from your diet
  • limit the intake of alcohol
  • don’t use drugs (one of the many side effects drugs bring is gynecomastia)
  • exercise

2. Visit your doctor

Generally speaking, gynecomastia isn’t a serious health problem, but it can be a serious aesthetic problem that leads to emotional and psychological issues.

Also, men and boys with gynecomastia can sometimes have chest pain and they can feel discomfort.

Gynecomastia can sometimes simply disappear.

But, if you continue having this problem and your boobs keep increasing, some medicine or a surgery can help you.

Nevertheless, the best thing to do is to consult your doctor for any concern.

If the reason for your gynecomastia is a health issue, then treatment can help you.

3. Using supplements

Using some natural supplements can also help you tackle this problem.

These supplements mainly increase testosterone levels.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, visit your doctor before deciding on your next steps.

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