Despite your repeated careful measures to restore growth, we understand how frustrating it can be. So, we decided to tell you some of the best hair regrowth treatment tips that are natural and safe.
Best Tips on How To Regain Hair Naturally:
Here are a few natural and easy hair regrowth tips that will ensure a healthy hair.
1. Trim Occasionally:
After the hair reaches shoulder length, it is necessary to trim once in a while. This is important because:
- It removes split ends and dry and damaged hair
- Helps hair grow really fast
- Prevents further damages upwards
2. Oil Your Scalp:
Castor oil and onion are an ideal mix for those losing hair at an alarming rate. To use it:
- Mix onion juice and Castor Oil (2:1 ratio) in a glass bowl
- With the help of clean cotton, apply it over the scalp, paying closer attention to balding spots and the forehead line.
- Leave for at least an hour before thoroughly rinsing with lukewarm water and patting it dry.
Using this oil mix at least once a week is necessary if you want to see the balding spots disappear and reduced hair fall every time you comb/shampoo. In case you are wondering on how to regrow hair naturally home remedies, this is one sure way out!
3. Condition After Shampoo:
The best way to regrow hair is to use conditioner after shampoo every single time. Shampoos usually contain chemicals that are essential to have squeaky clean hair, but at the same time take away natural softness and moisture from the hair for which the conditioner makes up. The benefits include:
- Softness and moisture are maintained in the hair
- It adds shine to the hair
- Healing properties of conditioners reduce damages caused to the cuticles
- Gives a natural bounce making thin hair appear fuller
4. Say ‘Hello’ to Silk Pillow Cases:
Yes! We do not realize but it happens. Cotton pillowcases not only take away the natural oils formed on the scalp but the chances that you are losing hair every time you flip aside is pretty high. Manifold benefits of silk pillow covers include:
- Reduced friction between hair and pillow; thus fewer tangles
- The soft surface of the silk cases prevents hair breakage, which means longer and unclipped hair.
- It helps hair breathe and aids hair growth at a faster pace.
5. Stop Experimenting with Tools and Chemicals:
Does not matter how safe and natural hair products are, chemicals are still a part of it and do cause damage which will be visible over time. So is the case with styling tools that play with the normal temperature of your hair and leave them brittle and dry. In case you are too fond of interfering with your normal hair colour and style make sure of
- Doing a patch test for how the particular chemical reacts to your skin and hair.
- Use lower temperature and let hair air dry completely before styling.
- Use good quality tools and protect your locks before applying heat.
- With colouring comes a complete set of do’s and don’ts – follow the guidelines to minimise damage.
6. Cold Shower Rule:
It is important to know that hot water is a complete no-no for hair as it opens pores and the heat causes irreparable damage to hair. The last rinse after shampoo should always be with cold water for various reasons.
- It seals pores and protects natural moisture of the scalp.
- The top layer of hair gets a smooth finish from cold water
- Cold water reduces the damages of styling – especially with a heat.
7. Overuse of Shampoo is not Healthy:
Refrain using shampoo every time you shower. It takes away natural moisture and essential oils from the hair and scalp. Follow a shampoo routine and protect your hair from the side effects.
- Thoroughly wet your hair and apply conditioner first (for long hair), then rinse and apply shampoo; it reduces the damage associated with shampoos.
- Massage shampoo (amounting to hazelnut size) for at least two minutes in circular motions.
- Rinse thoroughly (preferably with water that is not hot); make sure that the shampoo is out before you go for conditioning.
- Pat dry with soft towel and let your hair air dry.
8. Spread Natural Hair Oil before Bed-time:
Our scalp nourishes itself each day with the natural oils; it forms before bed-time it is essential to spread it all over your hair for the natural sheen. An ideal hair growth treatment is to brush your hair starting from scalp right through the ends before retiring for the day. Doing this will help in
- Improving circulation in the scalp, leading the natural growth of hair.
- Any minor damages are self-repairable which usually happens during the night.
- The natural oils are very healthy for hair and improve hair texture.
- Removing the tangles will prevent hair breakage during sleep.
9. Start from Inside – Eat Healthy:
You become what you eat and it reflects on your skin and hair the most. A healthy ‘eat and sleep’ routine is essential if you are not blessed with a low-maintenance scalp and skin. Intake of proper proteins and vitamins will help cleanse your system and bring remarkable changes in your appearance. All you need to do is
- Increase intake of water. Be hydrated.
- Include proteins and vitamins to strengthen the roots.
- Avoid junk food and extremes of spice and sour, it directly affects the stomach lining.
10. Use Growth Supplements:
To kill the root cause of poor hair it is at times necessary to introduce proteins and essential vitamins through supplements. Medical experts should be consulted for the below-mentioned reasons before taking supplements.
- That does not interfere with any current medication.
- The ideal requirement (in proper quantity) should be known
- The diet that needs to be followed for best results.
- See More: Home Remedies For Hair Growth
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